Industria Staff Insights are featuring Karolina Tkocz – contract manager for Industria in Leicester.
Karolina joined the Industria Team 3 years ago, and is a core member of the Industria team at our head office in Leicester.
What did you do before you joined Industria?
“I joined Industria about 2 months after arriving to work in the UK, previously, I was studying and working in a bank in Poland.”
What drew you to the recruitment sector?
“I was interested in recruitment and HR for a long time before I arrived in the UK, when I heard about the vacancy at Industria I couldn’t miss the opportunity!”
How did you find out about working for Industria?
“I found out about the role through one of my friends, who told be about receptionist position within the Leicester office. A week after the interview, Andy McKenna rang me offering me the role.
I cannot believe it’s been almost three years now!”
I have since developed into a Contract Manager role which I thoroughly enjoy’’.
Why in particular did you want to work for Industria?
“All of my friends were recommending Industria as one of the most professional agencies, since my first day everyone here in the Leicester branch office has been very friendly, training me step-by-step to the high standards that Industria hold.”
Where do you see yourself in the future with Industria?
“I started at Industria 3 years ago, since then I was promoted to Contract Manager and look after busy clients based in Leicestershire. In the near future I would like to gain more professional qualifications as well as improve my knowledge in all areas of recruitment.”
We would like to thank Karolina for taking the time to tell us about herself and offering us an insight into her story as to how she became a part of the Industria Team.
If you would like to read last week’s Staff Insights, click here.